
Assiniboine Park: Spring Wandering

Assiniboine Park: Spring Wandering

Spring has officially sprung for a good month now but in my neck of the woods it still looks quite grey and lifeless. There are patches of green grass starting to grow and the faint glimpse of some colour in the trees but you really need to look closely. We need a...

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The Forest Fairy Book: Lessons from the Forest

The Forest Fairy Book: Lessons from the Forest

During 2014 I posted a series of blog posts called "12 Things I Learned in the Forest." These stories were so fun to write and really gave me a chance to reflect on my time growing up in a forest. Each story featured a lesson that helped me grow into the person I am...

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Original Song: Take a Walk

Original Song: Take a Walk

To complete my series on lessons I learned from the forest I compiled all of them in order with links to each page. These are all written about personal experiences and fond memories of spending time with my family through the seasons among the trees and nature. I...

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Happy International Fairy Day 2014

Happy International Fairy Day 2014

It's Fairy Day! I've been dancing a lot lately and have been away from the forest. I can't wait to get back to nature this Canada Day long weekend and hopefully become inspired again by the trees and beauty of the wilderness! Here's a lovely photo from the Minnesota...

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Foxgloves: A Magical Flower Loved by the Fairies

Foxgloves: A Magical Flower Loved by the Fairies

When I first began my fairy garden in 2006 I knew right away that I would plant foxgloves in it. The purple and speckled bell shaped flower oozed magic to me. Without having done any research on types of flowers that attract fairies I believed that the foxglove had...

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Some Forest Fairy Love

Some Forest Fairy Love

Happy Valentine's Day Faeries 🙂 I made this little poster in honor of this lovely day. Of course I wish everyone love everyday but today is a great time to make it just a little more special. I photographed these leaves August 2013 in Blarney, Ireland while visiting...

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Delicate Lady Slippers

Delicate Lady Slippers

Of all the wild flowers in our forest the Lady Slipper is by far the most beautiful, rare and just plain magical. I would not know about these flowers if it weren't for my Mom and the incredible Lady Slipper she had photographed in our forest when I was little. She...

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