The Forest Fairy Book: Lessons from the Forest

February 17, 2015
Lessons from the Forest

During 2014 I posted a series of blog posts called “12 Things I Learned in the Forest.” These stories were so fun to write and really gave me a chance to reflect on my time growing up in a forest. Each story featured a lesson that helped me grow into the person I am today. At the time these little adventures didn’t seem like a lesson but more of just a fun day out in the woods with my family. Now that I’m older I’ve found a lot more meaning in those early evening walks or Sunday afternoon hikes down our forest trail.

Lessons from the Forest

My Mom had read my blog and thought they belonged in a book. She told me that’s all she wanted for Christmas and asked me to please make her a special book with all of the stories. What a beautiful idea! I set to work right away and rewrote a lot of the stories and found some beautiful photos that were stashed away in my collection. It took a lot of time to find the perfect photo and tweak the words so they said exactly what I wanted to say. It choked me up every time I read it for spelling and grammar. I couldn’t image how much Mom was going to cry when she finally got to read it!

I finished it just in time to get it shipped for Christmas. I renamed the book to “Lessons from the Forest” as there are more than the original 12 stories I blogged about.

The book I gave to my Mom at Christmas was a special and personalized version for my family that featured extra family photos. I really wanted to share my book with everyone so I replaced some of the photos and redesigned the cover slightly so the fonts were easier to read. This is one of the goals I set for myself this year and I’m so thrilled I was able to accomplish it!

Preview Book (First 15 Pages)

Purchase Book

If you’re interested in my book “Lessons from the forest” you can contact me to purchase a digital copy.


“I really enjoyed…I must come back. Inspirational!” (Blurb member)
“Loved your book Forest Fairy! Just finished reading it :)” (Wendy – Teacher)
“Everything you write makes me cry!” (Mom – The Snow Queen)


Let me know what you thought in the comments and I really hope you enjoyed the lessons that helped shape who I am today.


The Forest Fairy

Written by The Forest Fairy

The Forest Fairy is all about exploring nature, going on adventures and crafting memories.

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