During 2014 I posted a series of blog posts called “12 Things I Learned in the Forest.” These stories were so fun to write and really gave me a chance to reflect on my time growing up in a forest. Each story featured a lesson that helped me grow into the person I am today. At the time these little adventures didn’t seem like a lesson but more of just a fun day out in the woods with my family. Now that I’m older I’ve found a lot more meaning in those early evening walks or Sunday afternoon hikes down our forest trail.
My Mom had read my blog and thought they belonged in a book. She told me that’s all she wanted for Christmas and asked me to please make her a special book with all of the stories. What a beautiful idea! I set to work right away and rewrote a lot of the stories and found some beautiful photos that were stashed away in my collection. It took a lot of time to find the perfect photo and tweak the words so they said exactly what I wanted to say. It choked me up every time I read it for spelling and grammar. I couldn’t image how much Mom was going to cry when she finally got to read it!
I finished it just in time to get it shipped for Christmas. I renamed the book to “Lessons from the Forest” as there are more than the original 12 stories I blogged about.
The book I gave to my Mom at Christmas was a special and personalized version for my family that featured extra family photos. I really wanted to share my book with everyone so I replaced some of the photos and redesigned the cover slightly so the fonts were easier to read. This is one of the goals I set for myself this year and I’m so thrilled I was able to accomplish it!
Preview Book (First 15 Pages)
Purchase Book
If you’re interested in my book “Lessons from the forest” you can contact me to purchase a digital copy.
“I really enjoyed…I must come back. Inspirational!” (Blurb member)
“Loved your book Forest Fairy! Just finished reading it :)” (Wendy – Teacher)
“Everything you write makes me cry!” (Mom – The Snow Queen)
Let me know what you thought in the comments and I really hope you enjoyed the lessons that helped shape who I am today.