Try, try, try again

January 20, 2014
Blarney Castle Fairy Glen, Ireland - The Forest Fairy
Blarney Castle Fairy Glen, Ireland

Blarney Castle Fairy Glen, Ireland

Welcome to The Forest Fairy!

My little blog that allows me to be creative and share beautiful things with the world. Since 2005 I have started over and over again building a place for me to feel comfortable and to connect with others with the same interests.

I never had a plan and seemed to just do things without much thought. This really got me nowhere. Years and new sites have come and gone and nothing has ever really happened with my Forest Fairy brand. With these new years I’ve gained experience and the confirmation of who I want to be.

I’m Sarah and I love fairies.

Also nature, music, dancing, poetry and everything that a little fairy would love. I guess that’s why I connect with fairies so much. There’s so much beauty in this world and I can find so much of it in just my own little corner here in Canada. My goal is to share it with you.

There are other goals that I hope to achieve. Maybe putting it out there will motivate me to complete these once and for all!

  • Record and release a full album of my music over the years
  • Write a new poetry book with higher quality imagery and more new poems
  • Set up a shop filled with forest inspired treasures
  • Have something of mine featured in Fae Magazine
  • Get outside and have more adventures
  • Capture more photos with my new camera
  • Plant a new generation of my Fairy garden in the yard of my first home
  • Sew and knit fairy inspired clothing/accessories
  • Connect with others that share my interests and build more relationships

Well, that’s quite the list! With my passion for Irish dancing and the time I commit to that let’s see if I can fit it all in. If you take it one day at a time you’ll eventually get there. But I needed a plan and that’s why I figure I never kept on track before. You live and you learn right?

Well here we go!

Believe *~

The Forest Fairy

Written by The Forest Fairy

The Forest Fairy is all about exploring nature, going on adventures and crafting memories.

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