Karate Kicking Tree Stumps

March 26, 2014
Hollowed Out Log

If you look through the forest you’ll see lots of tall trees and lots of shorter ones. But somewhere in between there are the old dead trees that have broken in half and look like wooden poles. These are the trees that I can’t resist karate kicking if I see one. I know it looks a little mean to kick the poor dead tree but they are going to fall down eventually due to the amount of rot and decay. How wobbly the tree is helps me decide if it’s time to give it a little kick. The trees that fall to the ground become home to many little critters. I have seen many of them get hollowed out and you can tell they’ve made it into a nice little house.

I wasn’t sure if this was a negative post due to the fact I’m kicking trees and had to think about it for a while. But this is the circle of life. We don’t live forever and these trees are a symbol of how we will return to the Earth one day and the cycle will begin again. These trees have reached the finishing line and are now moving onto the next stage of their existence.

Always looking on the bright side of life I’ve somehow found the positive side from the end of a tree’s life. If you take anything away from this post please remember I love and always respect nature. I would never kick a living tree and especially one that animals are currently living in. Each tree is inspected for signs of any residents and then decided if it should fall.

Lesson Learned:
All good things eventually come to an end.

The Forest Fairy

Written by The Forest Fairy

The Forest Fairy is all about exploring nature, going on adventures and crafting memories.

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