Day 4 we covered 22 km, conquered the Tjäktja pass, saw more rainbows than we cared to enjoy, sang Irish tunes with David and used our bug hats for the first time. Sadly no sign of Magnus.
Fjällräven Classic Sweden
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Fjällräven Classic Day 3: Singi to Salka and beyond
Day 3 we covered over 18 km, caught up with David and met Jack from the UK, Paul found a reindeer antler, we saw Magnus again and camped with our new friends.
Fjällräven Classic Day 2: Kebnekaise to Singi
Day 2 of the Fjällräven Classic, we covered 15 km, saw a wild reindeer, met Magnus on the trail, met David from Germany and had the best weather.
Fjällräven Classic Day 1: Nikkaluokta to Kebnekaise
Day 1 took us from Nikkaluokta to Kebnekaise. Covering almost 20km, we tried reindeer burgers, put our rain gear to the test and set up camp for the first time.
Fjällräven Classic Sweden: A first timers experience
This is my story as a first time participant of the Fjällräven Classic Sweden. The gear and choices we made were best for our skill and fitness levels. I hope my experience gives you a glimpse into what it’s like to try something new and what you can expect during this event.